A Travellerspoint blog

Where We Stayed: Viñales

Villa Benito

Some casas particulares are a room and bath in a house, whereas others feel more like a mini-hotel. Villa Benito, where we stayed in Viñales, was one of the latter. It has 3 rooms with private baths, each accessed from the common courtyard.

I shared this room with DD1.

The courtyard was very photogenic.

We spent time there during the apagón to have some light and breeze that weren’t currently in the room itself. Our hostess promptly brought us delicious mango juice.

As the sun started setting, the family hooked the house up to a generator, so we didn’t have to sit in the dark.

The night we stayed, people from our program were staying in all three rooms, so we were all at breakfast together. Our hostess may have hung back a bit for that reason. She didn’t converse with us much, but she was kind and attentive to us at breakfast. She had a spread of coffee, juice, fruit, ham, cheese, and bread, and cooked eggs to order for anyone who wanted them.

If you’re ever in Viñales, Villa Benito is a great place to stay!

They are listed at this website: http://villa-benito-vinales.maxicuba.com/en/about.html
Email: [email protected]
Cell phone: 53-52446361

Posted by amikulski 00:30 Archived in Cuba Tagged cuba vinales casas teens

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